Following are a ten movies all set to be released next year and are perhaps the most awaited. You should know that it looks like the next year primarily belongs to the science-fiction genre but it still is all set to be absolutely awesome. I hope you enjoy the read. The movies are based on popular opinions and yours are welcome.
At the tenth spot we have the movie Elysium. It stars Jodie Foster, William Fichtner, Sharlto Copley and Matt Damon. Also, you should be interested to know that this movie is actually a follow-up to District 9. Well, not many details are currently known about this movie but who cares? Look at what the cast is and the movie it actually follows-up. Should be awesome and awesome!
I am sure you have heard about the director Daivd Fincher. He hardly ever disappoints you now right? Remember, the curious case of Benjamin Button? Also, he was the one behind the Social Network and boy was that good. This movie should be all about Nemo. The entire focus is on how he actually created his underwater vessel referred to by the name of The Nautilus. It is actually a remake of Disney but from a David point of view. I have a pretty good feeling about this movie. Enjoy it when it comes out.
If I asked you to take on guess as to who the director of this particular movie is I am pretty sure you would be able to guess it on the second try. You are right folks, the director is in fact Guillermo del Toro. Although he doesn’t really have time to make any movie, at least that’s what we believe based on a very simple reason. His last movie was Hellboy II and it was released in the year 2008. The story is set in the future and there are these weird creatures that threaten our lovely planet. I am just excited to have him direct another movie finally, I hope you guys feel the same.
The Hobbit is supposed to be released in 2012 and already the second part is under consideration and all set to release in the year 2013. The good part about the movie is that it should actually attract all the Lord of the Rings fan so you can technically look at it as an extension to the LOTR series. Lord of the Rings did a great job and I am pretty sure that the studios will do tremendously with these two movies as well. I am sure you are aware of the cast. It is good, though there are a lot of characters that do not belong; characters from Lord of the Rings that is.
This movie is actually a follow-up to Zombieland if you remember. It was directed by Ruben Fleischer. The movie is set in the 40s and 50s; yeah I know a long time ago, something you’re probably not used to anymore considering the sci-fi movies. Anyway, it is based on an article written by Paul Liberman. It was published in LA Times. It was called Gangster Squad. The reason it is this exciting for me is the absolutely awesome cast. It includes Josh Brolin, Anthony Mackie, Sean Penn and Ryan Gosling. Hulky isn’t it? Yeah, I agree!
Now we are not entirely sure if the movie will actually be called that but let’s just assume it is the name. At least we are certain that there will be second part of the movie. You should know that 2013 will be the absolute first time that PIXAR will come up with two animated movies in the same year. It has never happened before. I am sure you must have seen the first movie so there is absolutely no need to recall that what you should know is that according to most people, it was the best animated feature of 2010, so I have high hopes for this one.
There really hasn’t been a proper Wizard of Oz movie now has their? Hollywood however, have always wanted to make one and this time around I hope they actually succeed. You should also know that this is not the only one in production, but according to the time tables, this one will probably be released first. The sad part is that Robert Downey Jr. actually turned down a role. James Franco will play the wizard while Mila Kunis will play Theodora. I have actually grown to like Mila Kunis a lot.
I am pretty sure you can figure out what this particular movie will be all about. Steven Spielberg actually promised that he will be directing the said movie, which if he does, should actually be an epic movie. The script is written by Drew Goddard and the movie is actually based on a novel by Daniel H. Wilson. The name of the novel is Andromeda Strain and it is critically praised. It goes without saying that the movie is actually set way too much in the future. The robots should fight our wars for us. Later they turn into murderers.
There are two main things about this particular movie that makes it the second most anticipated movie in this list. First, that it is an original movie and the second part is that it is a science-fiction. An original science-fiction is hard to come by these days. The bad part however is that it comes from Joseph Kosinski. He was the man behind Tron Legacy. I am saying it’s a bad part because I absolutely hated that movie. It is a story about the last man on Earth after a war with an alien race. He does find someone else in the lonely world. Any guesses as to who?
So I was at a relative’s house in the evening and my cousin told me how Iron Man 3 was absolutely amazing. That shook because I knew for a fact that the movie had not been released yet. Anyway, I am pretty sure you guys are waiting anxiously for the third installment in the Iron Man franchise. You should know though that Jon Favreau will not be returning to direct the third film although Robert Downey Jr. is still the Iron Man and that in my opinion is what matters.
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