Everyone knows that soccer players have a tendency to well, fall a lot. Often times players will flail on the ground as if they were suffering a seizure despite not being touched by anyone. However, after the proper amount of time has been wasted and the “magic spray” applied, these players “magically” fully heal from their life threatening injury.
I will never forget watching Ghana play the US in the last World Cup and yelling at my TV every time a player from Ghana needed a stretcher to get off the field, yet was able to walk perfectly fine once they made it to the side line. I do enjoy watching soccer, but the flopping gets to be a bit ridiculous.
Earlier this year in match between the Los Angeles Galaxy and San Jose Earthquakes, David Beckham kicked the ball at a San Jose defender that felt it was an appropriate time to go down, up one with not a lot of time left. At first I thought this was an immature move my Beckham, but then the defender popped up and ran toward Beckham to confront him for the cheap shot. It showed the world that the defender was not actually injured at all, but rather trying to find a cheap way to sneak out a victory.
That brings us to this week’s Video of the Week, which features the best soccer flops of all-time. Enjoy, as many of these actors may be winning an Academy Award for their impressive performances.
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